Robert (Bob) Duggan lives to inspire genius creativity in every endeavor he pursues and every person he engages. He sees genius as an inborn, inherent characteristic found in us all. While succeeding as an entrepreneur, innovator, leader, and investor (in not for profits) his bigger vision is of a genius world—where each human being is made aware of the innateness and inherency of 24 genius traits existing in them.
Inspire genius
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Bob’s commitment to creating awareness for the Genius initiative is embodied in his upcoming book titled, To Be a Genius. The book showcases the 24 characteristics that all geniuses have in common, such as the drive to work hard and long, having curiosity about everything that matters, and the idealism to do things for the betterment of humankind.
Follow your passion
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Never afraid to ask questions and act, curiosity defines Bob. He knows the value of hard work and knowledge and the importance of devotion to goals. As a lifelong surfer, he found that pursuing, catching, and riding the ocean waves is a metaphor for life itself.
Take chances
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Success requires the willingness to take chances (emphasis on the plural of chanceS), the patience to stay in the game, and the imagination to see things from a different perspective. It takes courage to do things others have considered impossible or have tried and failed. (But take heart—courage is inherent and innate as you will see.)
Lead the way
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Leaders have learned how to communicate their ideas to others, adapt to ever-changing circumstances, persuade others to be the best they can be, and recognize and validate the potential of people to lead exceptional lives. (They also have the enterprise to try the unknown, learn as they progress, as well as the enthusiasm to inspire others.)
Change the world
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To change the world, invoke your innate optimism. Others do it, it can be done! Bob is committed to achieving great things for the betterment of humankind and thinks idealism is a virtue. “Keep your feet on the ground, your head in the clouds.”